We just wanted to make you aware that the updated calendar that was agreed upon was approved at the Board meeting this week. The changes on the document are highlighted in yellow and the calendar can be found on our website under the District/ Calendar tab.
Parent Teacher Conferences have been moved from February 24th- 25th and will now take place on March 13th and 14th. February 24th and 25th will now be full days of school while March 13th and 14th will be early dismissal days (Friday, March 14th was originally a full staff PD day with no students). We are going to offer a virtual option for conferences if that will work better for you- more information will come out on that as we get closer.
We will now have an early dismissal day on Friday, March 28th for staff PD.
Our current last official day of school is currently Monday, June 23rd. We do have two snow days built in so that is subject to change if need be. We will have early dismissal days the last four school days of the year so please keep that in mind as we see what Mother Nature throws our way the next couple of months.